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Energetic and Emotional Therapies

  • Energetic & Emotional Reintegration

  • Angel & Archangel Connections

  • Reintegration Therapy

  • Past Life Regressions

  • Memory Re-patterning

  • Spiritual and Energetic Teaching

  • Karmic Balancing

  • Planetary and Individual Grid Healing

  • Dimensional Healing

  • Crystalline Upgrades

  • Guide and Elemental Connections

  • Chakra Rebalancing

Angel and Archangel Connections - Ascension Upgrades


I often call in spiritual masters, guides and angels to work with me in my healing sessions, always calling in only those who work in light and love.

Typically the person I am working with has their own team of guides and angels who come in almost immediately and basically tell me exactly what to do. I, in turn, relay their wishes to my client who can agree or disagree on what to do at any given time.

Some of the time the physical or emotional body can have such blockages that will keep the energetic body from flowing properly. For example, membrane torsion in the brain can block the 3rd eye or crown chakra. That's where the knowledge of physical therapy can open a path for the energetic body to flow freely and be able to upgraded if needed.


Most of what's happening on the planet now is ascension upgrades, multi dimensional healing, and planetary grid work. This helps us to assimilate to more of a crystalline energetic structure and to learn how to live in a 5th dimensional reality. It is necessary to be able to navigate and stay grounded in these transformative times.

This is also available in my Phone Sessions.

I feel so grateful and honored to be able to help my clients in this capacity.

Cranio Sacral Therapy (CST)

CST is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction, and improve whole-body health and performance. It was pioneered and developed by Osteopathic Physician John E. Upledger after years of clinical testing and research at Michigan State University, where he served as professor of biomechanics. Using a soft touch, which is generally no greater than 5 grams – about the weight of a nickel – practitioners release restrictions in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system. CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease. It's effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction.

Somato-Emotional Techniques


Somato-emotional release technique with  Cranio Sacral Therapy is a very gentle process to release traumas that have been held in the body. When a person is able to get to and release the “cause” of the problem, there is automatically a release of pain and the body is able to function better.

Heart Centered Therapy


Heart Centered Therapy is a loving and gentle approach using internal dialogue that brings awareness to areas of deep disconnection. It supports reintegration and wholeness through a heart-centered process. Spiritual-Emotional viruses are energetic distortions from traumas and/or family/ancestral patterns. Once understood these energetic patterns can be safely released.

Reintegration Therapy / Memory Re-patterning / Karmic Balancing

Through energetic and verbal communication, the client is able to process past traumas without retraumatizing the system. The body has the ability to either grasp an incident cellularly or to release it, discharging the trauma. Through this process, the nervous system reintegrates what happened, therefore affecting our reaction to it. As the body discharges the trauma, it unites the system bringing it into a state of well-being. Reintegration Therapy relies upon the body to tell its story... it is not pushed nor prodded into doing anything.  This is a remarkably gentle verbal guidance system that acknowledges body trauma, whether physical, mental, emotional or otherwise, and sets it free.

Chakra Balancing

At the central core of our body spin seven main wheel-like energy centers called Chakras. Chakras have the ability to receive, assimilate and transmit energy.


Each chakra is a vortex, spinning life-force energy into or out of the body.  In fact, the word chakra is from the Sanskrit word meaning "wheel of light".

There are many chakras connected to and a part of the physical body.  Each chakra transmits and receives life-force energy often called "qi" (pronounced "chi"), "prana", or "universal intelligence". There are also 2 other important chakras: the Soul Star and the Earth Star chakras which are just above the head and below the feet respectively.

There are also many minor chakras, most of which are located at the joints of the physical body.

When we are in a state in ill health, the chakras may be distorted, out of alignment or even stagnant. When this happens, life force energy cannot flow in and out freely and the physical body may suffer. Stress, inability to express emotions, over emotional expression, beliefs incongruent with Truth, disconnection from a higher power, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, exposure to toxicity, etc. can cause the chakra system to close down.


Each chakra resonates with a particular frequency of vibration and is an integral part of Vibrational Medicine. Chakras are balanced by inviting them back to their natural state of vibration and frequency using color, light, sound, aroma, energywork, crystals and stones, and sacred geometry.

By stimulating the senses in a favorable way, the nervous system and therefore, the chakras are balanced.

The physical body is a unit made of many different integral parts that are designed to be self-correcting. The body's job is to maintain balance and the free-flow of energy. The chakras are an energetic gateway, feeding the body pranic energy and providing an outlet for the release and dispersal of spent energy.

Polarity Therapy


 Polarity Therapy is the skillful application of bodywork techniques to promote health and well-being. Polarity Therapy releases blockages in the body through physical manipulations, gentle stretching, stroking, and rocking. This therapy is based on the premise that most people are capable of using their energies more effectively. With intuitive sensitivity, the practitioner's hands locate and help free physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual blocks caused by distress, disorder, disease. It relieves stress and structural imbalances in every aspect of the body. Polarity Therapy easily integrates with other body and mind therapies which makes it an invaluable tool in holistic healing.

Interdimensional Connection Technique

Melissa guides you through a meditation that connects you to your higher self, and your I AM presence. This is the part of you, the all knowing all seeing self, that lives out of time and space and has experienced it all.   Connected to your highest vibrational self,  you can ask and receive the answers you need, the gifts you wish to develop and a deep understanding of lessons experienced along the way.  Only you know how to relate to yourself the best way possible. Only you can know what we are truly capable of.  Being able to see yourself though your own mind's eye creates the understanding and confidence of how powerful you really are.

Spiritual and Energetic Teaching

For more information about spiritual and energetic teaching click Innate Wisdom Portal.

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